
Hippies [don't?] suck.

For most of my life, I've agreed with Eric Cartman on the subject of tree-huggers. In many situations, I think their stereotypical portrayal is accurate enough. Occasionally, though, they're really on to something. To save myself any more typing, I'll just quote the email I sent to my employer today. [snip]

I have recently begun learning about the process known as mountaintop removal mining (aka MTM or MTR). As a $COMPANY_NAME employee, it disturbs me to know that our machinery is being used in such a destructive manner. While our primary responsibility is to run our own business in a manner reflecting external costs to our communities and shared environment, our Sustainability Report (specifically the first section, Making Progess Possible) correctly acknowledges that it is also our duty to push for responsible use of the tools we create.

Is the Sustainable Development group aware of this issue? Is it involved in any lobbying at the state or federal level related to surface mining in general? In the event that MTR has not received much/any visibility, I have provided links to some resources that may be helpful.

Union of Concerned Scientists
Mountain Justice Summer
Washington Post
US Environmental Protection Agency
West Virginia Gazette

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