
no hat, no coat, no problem

Winter has finally arrived. There is snow on the ground, the wind chill is hovering around zero degrees Fahrenheit, and I have the pleasure of doing both my morning and afternoon commutes with my headlights on. Those joys, I get to share with everybody around me.

Nobody else, though, spends the first part of every winter enduring daily questions about where the hell his coat is. As soon as the mercury drops below freezing, everybody on earth becomes my mom.

Q: "Where is your coat?" (This is the simplest and most common.)
A: "In my car."

Q: "You're gonna get sick!" (This is often phrased in a manner eerily similar to the BB gun admonition in A Christmas Story.)
A: "Maybe."

Q: "Aren't you freezing?"
A: Varies, depending how cold it really is. Sometimes, it's perfectly nice outside (e.g. 40 degF and sunny) and I respond as such. Sometimes, though, I'm chilled to the bone and I admit it.

Occasionally, somebody wants more than a one-line response. I'll tell you what I tell them: It's just not worth the trouble of bundling up to walk 100 feet from a parking lot to the warmth of my destination! Plus, once you get to the warm place, you're then /too/ warm because you're dressed for something 50 degrees cooler. I think it makes a lot of sense. Don't you? :plugs ears: ;)

In other news... The song of the day is "The House Jack Built" by Metallica. Yes, it's from before they sucked. Download it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You must have seat warmers... tell them the coat gets in the way of your heat source.

I thought of you when i saw a headline for a website this week (YouParkLikeAnAsshole.com). I'm yet to visit the site, but it better be good. I have high expectations.

Who knows... YouDressLikeAnEskimo.com might be available.