
pure snowage

1) Blizzard in IL
It started coming down as sleet/ice/nasty on Thursday evening. It was so loud (think of God throwing giant slushballs at the side of your house) that it kept waking me up until about 03:00, at which point it finally turned to snow and stayed that way.

When I woke up Friday morning, things looked about like this:

Basically, all you could see was white. Of course, that didn't stop some idiots from trying to get out. The snow pwned all who challenged it. Here are a few of the dozen or so cars & trucks that tried, and failed, to get out of the neighborhood.

Not wanting to become one of those plow-blocking asshats (with my little RWD hatch wearing new rubber, untested in the white stuff), I stayed inside and watched the hours pass with no plow in sight. As 13:00 came and went, I resigned myself to the fact that I wouldn't be leaving town (to get to the Werner holiday party in Omaha) any time Friday. The plow finally came to my street around 22:30, but it was dark and I couldn't really see how much of a difference it made.

I woke up at 06:00 Saturday, eager to get on the road to KC (Big XII championship game!). I took a shower, got dressed, ate breakfast, and loaded my car. The sun had finally come up, so I opened my shades to get a view of the streets. Fsck! While the plow had successfully removed the top 8-10" of snow, there was still a solid 3-4" layer of compacted ice and snow on all the roads. The rest of the day (including our self-destruction at Arrowhead) passed by in a long, depressed, blur.

Three days after the storm, the streets remained in such horrible shape that my Monday commute took twice as long as normal. Even the main arteries, including 55 mph highways, didn't get to be pavement-only until Thursday! Some places got it even worse than Peoria (especially further north and west in IL), but it still hammered us and ruined my weekend. If only I could kill some more pirates to really get global warming moving along...

2) Blizzard in MO
The same storm hit parts of Missouri just as badly. See, for example the devastation at Lake of the Ozarks.

3) Blizzard of awesome not-in-RL
I just noticed today that the final episode of the first season of Pure Pwnage is out! w00t!

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