
Cruel and Unusual Punishment (Hollywood style)

I was perusing Rotten Tomatoes recently in order to read reviews of the new TMNT movie. While I was there, I happened to notice that they are maintaining a list of the 100 worst-reviewed movies in their database. Being kinda bored on a lazy Sunday afternoon, I decided to have a look. I won't admit to how many of those movies I have seen (and even enjoyed!), but one stood out above the rest.

It was my senior year of high school. I was on a double-date of sorts, and we were headed to the theater. As you might expect, the males and females had widely differing preferences for which movie we'd be seeing. Often, guys will capitulate in these sort of situations to increase the [optimistically perceived] odds of future 'reimbursement'. The girls' suggestion in this case was so heinous, however, that my buddy and I tried everything we could think of to change their minds. There was no repayment that could justify the pain that we believed we were about to suffer through.

My friend was the lucky one; he lapsed in and out of consciousness for the duration of the film, battered senseless by the relentless barrage of suck. I, on the other hand, was transfixed by the nightmare unfolding in front of me; I was unable to look away for 92 minutes when I wanted nothing more than to spoon out my own eyeballs and pierce my eardrums with rusty barbed-wire.

The movie, dear readers, was Down to You, Rotten Tomatoes' 25th worst-reviewed movie. It is rated worse than all but one of Uwe Boll's movies, for Christ's sake, worse than Glitter, worse than fscking Gigli!

There are two takeaways from this post.
1. Do not ever [EVER] see Down to You.
2. Liah still owes me. Big.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are many friends, employers and spouses that are currently experiencing the cruel and unusual punishment that is a Halo release. Hope you are doing well.