

Can I skip being a dad and go straight to being a grandpa? You get all the fun of hanging with little kids, without any of the trouble of raising and caring for them!

I say this because I've been seeing a lot of little kids tonight, which reminds me of how cute they can be. My favorite so far tonight was when a group of five or six all did the "Trick or Treeaat!" thing when I opened the door, at which point I said "Trick!" and closed the door momentarily. Of course, I quickly opened the door again and gave them artery-clogging chunks of caramel and chocolate. It warmed my heart to hear them giggle about how I really did trick them as they walked to the next house.

Well, I better end this post before the next group of kids comes. Happy Halloween.

P.S. Oops, they're here already!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You make me laugh. You know the kids must have been so confused/upset for the split second the door was closed.

Aren't you glad you handed out candy this year?