
why now?!

On my way home from work today, I thought I'd check out what I could find on the AM dial. As my right finger did its best impression of a 'scan' mode, I heard one station talking about some bad traffic on 680. Odd, I thought, I don't know of any 680 within a few hundred miles. A few seconds later, I hear them mention rush hour on I-80 in Council 'Tucky. Say what?

It turns out that I can hear KFAB out here. Why couldn't I figure that out /before/ football season??


The silly girl said...

Even funnier than you figuring that out is that my dad just wrote me a letter snail mail syle telling me to listen to am stations and listed some from all over the country.

Anonymous said...

I love the great AM.
I mainly listen to the following Omaha Stations:
Big Sports 590 AM
KFAB 1110 AM

At night the AM frequency can be heard at a surprisingly long distance.