
I am so smart, s-m-r-t!

Today I saw a guy riding a motorcycle. That is inherently more risky than driving a car, but not really 'dumb'.

Mr. Motorcycle Rider was not wearing a helmet. That is pretty dumb, but he has the right to risk his own safety as he sees fit.

Mr. MR was carrying a helmet with him, attached to one of his saddlebags, but not wearing it. IMHO*, that crosses the line from 'dumb' to 'what in the [bleep] are you thinking?!' Baffling, it is.

Of course, this whole bit has reminded me of the Darwin Awards. That website is a great way to comfort yourself when you're worried that technology has removed the evolutionary pressures from modern society.
*IMHO = In My Humble Opinion, for you non-nerds.


Anonymous said...

Simpsons references make pikachu happy

Ben said...

Since writing this post, I've noticed 2 more bikers doing the same thing. WTF?