In my group of about 50-100 engineers, the IT folks set us up with 'My Documents' folders (we use MS Windows 2000) that automatically synchronize our files between a server and our PCs/laptops. A few months ago, the aforementioned server ran out of space. Apparently that had not been anticipated by IT, who nonetheless quickly dumped all our files over to a larger server in another building.
Unfortunately, IT names our file servers partially according to the building in which they reside. Since the servers are in different buildings, the path names to those servers are also different. Our PCs/laptops didn't know the new path name, so nobody could access the master (server) version of their documents! Eventually, between the efforts of IT and the more computer-savvy engineers (e.g. yours truly), everybody got relinked to the correct server.
MS Windows 2000, however, is not smart enough to handle that change. If you edited any documents between the time OldServer died and the time you were first connected to NewServer, your computer had the new version of the document while the server still had the old... and since Windows couldn't find the old server, it had nowhere to sync the new version with. The edited files on your PC are effectively orphaned, and Windows will pester you about it for all eternity, reminding you that you're disconnected from OldServer and urging you to please synchronize your changed documents.
Both IT and I tried everything we could to make MS Windows forget about the old share. We deleted the shared drive, purged the local version of My Documents (which was safe since I had sync'd them to NewServer already), and disabled file synchronization (hoping to erase Windows' memory of the old sync profile). No. Such. Luck.
As if that wasn't frustrating enough, a similar snafu happened again recently. My immediate workgroup has a network drive that we use to store project files, share test data within the group, etc. Some three-plus years after my business unit changed names, many things are still called by the old name: signs, websites, posters, and the name of this particular network drive! Well, IT finally decided that it was time to have the drive name reflect the new BU name. They changed the name, and I had to spend all of Monday 'fixing' people's computers when they couldn't access anything on the shared drive.
You may currently be asking yourself, 'What is the point of this freaking blog? I fell asleep twice already and I didn't even really finish it - I just skipped down to the end!' I'm sorry to disappoint you, but there really wasn't much of point to this. I just wanted to complain about how shitty my IT department and Microsoft are. Sorry!