[Un]Intelligent Design
Link 1
Link 1 will take you to a funny letter that explores one reason why Intelligent Design (ID) should not be taught in classrooms: any crackpot can come up with a baseless theory. Without the filter of scientific review, our 'science' classes would be full of them - who could say which are the 'least baseless' and therefore most beneficial to students?
Link 2
Link 2 will take you to Slashdot post about butterfly speciation, which of course spawned a whole crapload of comments about the strength of Darwin's theory of natural selection. Below are some of the most insightful/intelligent comments:
Occam's Razor: why evolution is actually the simpler answer.
Imperfect Design: organisms have been optimized for survival, not for design perfection.
The Mathematics of Evolution: a nice look into the probabilistic drive behind evolution.
Disproving the Stereotype: a rational, intelligent Creationist steps up to give his $.02.
Evolution Is Fact: it is Natural Selection that is a theory, not evolution.