Episode III: Revenge of the Slice
The last time I played golf was about three years ago. I headed to the driving range the other day hoping to rekindle the skills I had a decade ago, and in the process pick up a "new" hobby/pastime.
It appears that my brain has begun associating golf with gardening during these last few years. Half my swings removed chunks of dirt and grass that a Caterpillar excavator would be proud of. The other half resulted in a machine gun barrage of Caddyshack-gopher-killing worm burners.
Near the end, I finally whipped out the heavy lumber. (That's my driver, not my wedding tackle, you perv.) I had a few very respectable shots and a few that had a slight fade (read: monster slice). All in all, it was definitely the most enjoyable part of the afternoon.
It appears I'm not going to be any good any time soon. I'm actually pretty amazed that I was ever good. I now have trouble just getting the ball to approximate the look of a real golf shot. I haven't even tried to control aim or distance yet. Looks like I'd better start practicing another aspect of golf: yelling "Fore!"